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What Is Our Healthy Neighborhoods Approach?

Dedicated to the strengthening of Stark County neighborhoods, we use the "Healthy Neighborhoods” concepts of nationally recognized neighborhood strategist David Boehlke in our revitalization work. Our Healthy Neighborhoods Program features innovative initiatives that build upon neighborhood strengths rather than deficiencies.  We strive to promote “neighborhoods of choice” where residents confidently invest their Time, Effort and Money (as TEAM Players) and become actively involved in everyday neighborhood activities. Our approach features four main focus areas:


  1. Physical conditions of properties and blocks

  2. Image & identity of neighborhoods (to residents and to visitors)

  3. Involvement & Investment of residents in their neighborhoods

  4. Real Estate Market of neighborhoods to build equity for property owners

Healthy Neighborhoods Summit
The second Thursday of each month at 5:30pm, CBP hosts a hybrid (in-person & Zoom) Healthy Neighborhoods Summit, celebrating all things neighborhoods. 

Neighborhood leaders (and/or their resident designees) are encouraged to attend. 
Please contact CBP for more information.

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